Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wow, It's 2009 Already!

It's been a month since my last post. I can't believe how the holiday's flew by. I guess that's what happens when you are busy (or just old!). I certainly had my share of planning holiday parties this year. I planned and organized the management staff party for Walker Farms and Produce. I had the dinner catered but set up at Keith's cycle/scooter business for it. I just had a Santa Bingo game with $1 gifts which was a lot of fun. We then presented plaques and certificates to all of the employees, some had been with them for 38 years!

Other parties I did was to have Frank's brothers and sisters and Nile and Barb over for dinner. It was nice to visit with them. Cindi wasn't able to make it but everyone else did. I also planned Bryan's Diggin Wild business party and cooked the food for it. I think the employee's and their wives had fun . I planned the little party for the ladies that work here in our offices and we had a great potluck lunch and fun gift exchange. Of course I did the carnival for the warehouse employee's and their families. This year we also included the trucking and farm employee's. We had a good 150 people attend!

We also had a few Christmas get togethers at our house so the week of Christmas just seemed like one big party! Especially since Jana and Dave were here!

Of course everyone got really spoiled for Christmas again this year. Frank had his dad make me a beautiful cedar chest. I have never had one so it was really special. The funny part was that Rich had called and asked if I would help him get one for Theresa so all the while I was talking to Nile about hers he was actually quizzing me about mine! Frank had planned this in the summer when they were fishing. What a thoughtful and wonderful gift.

It was great to spend time with family. It seems like we all get to running in different directions and so this time of year is so special because we actually sit down and play games and visit.

Tera bought me the Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck which I read the week after Christmas. It really does bring the true meaning of the atonement home and how our Savior paved the way for us to bring our lives back to him. The true meaning of Christmas...

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