Wednesday, June 10, 2009

While Jana was Home

Jana flew home for a week on May 30 until June 6th. We sure packed in a lot of fun stuff while she was here... along with a lot of food! We went down on Friday night and spent the night in SLC to pick her up on Saturday. On Sunday she went to church with us and came in our primary class and made friends with our kids. Everyone came over for Sunday dinner. It was such a nice day! Bryler was crawling all over the place!

Tuesday night was the start of a BAD addiction for many of us... I made arrangements for the "girls" to come over to make the new fashion trend, Bumble watches! Nikki Robison and Lynette Green, friends and co-workers came over and showed us how to make them. We had a blast and now every penny is being spent on making them! But, we sure are fashionable now!

During the week we had the chance to have lunch with Dad and Merlene on day. On another lunch time it was Theresa, Jana and I. And then Layne was working on Sunday so he brought Karlee, Tanner, and Val down for another lunch! On Thursday it was Caleb's birthday so we all met at Applebee's for dinner! Jana also had lunch with a few friends in Poky one day and on Friday! So it was pretty well, eat, eat, eat... But it was so fun to have her around for the week. She just lives too darn far away.

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