Wednesday, May 7, 2008

42 years ago today

It was our first date! We went to the prom with a two other couples. Who woulda' thought... Poor Frank. He spent three hours washing and cleaning his car, a 1958 Chev, only to have to drive 26 miles out to Monteview to get me and the last three miles was down a muddy dirt road!

When he got to our "home" he had another surprise. We lived in an old wooden grainery! The wind had blown the door off and so dad had to lift the door up and move it to the side when Frank "knocked" on it. We had no running water and so I had to go to the neighbors to shower and get ready. Oh, the good ole times. But look how well we survived.

We drove into Rexburg and ate at Doyle Walker's cafe. I don't think I ate even half of my hamburger! Oh, the theme song for prom was "Moon River".

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