Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Small Miracles

On Sunday our Sacrament meeting was about miracles in our lives. How fitting considering the past week we have had.

Caleb's Tiffany, who is 7 months pregnant, became very sick and was in ICU in the hospital. It was a kidney infection and we were really concerned for her and the baby but after several days of care she is doing well. Caleb really showed that he has grown up by the way he handled the whole situation. I was really proud of him and the caring way he took care of Tiffany. He will be a good husband and father.

We then headed into the week knowing that a major hurricane was headed toward Jana and Dave. Hurricane Ike will go down as one of the costliest hurricanes in history due to the massive amount of destruction. Jana and Dave live in Sugar Land, just about 60 miles inland from Galveston Bay, which was pretty well destroyed. They were told to "hunker down" and not evacuate. So they took all the steps they had been taught about getting prepared and did just that! About 3:00 am on Saturday morning their power went out and according to Dave, Jana curled up with their little dog Max and went to sleep and slept through it all! They woke up to very little damage other than losing their mailbox. Twelve hours later they had power back on! There is just a small grid that got the power back on and they were lucky enough to be in it. Dave's sister and her family (5 kids) aren't so lucky and have been spending the nights with Jana and Dave even though they live about a mile away. They aren't sure when they will have power. They all have plenty of food and water and handling it well. It's a good thing because there is nothing left in the stores!

On Saturday night, my sister Sandy called and said that her daughter Britnee and her family were in an accident. A woman ran a stop sign and hit them and flipped their car. Brit is also 7 months pregnant and has been battling her diabetes's throughout this pregnancy. After a night in the hospital getting her contractions under control she was released. The rest of the family were all okay. Brit has a bad cut on her forearm but other than that all seems to be okay.

A week of small miracles. But are they really that small?


Anonymous said...

Good post ma! Interesting little week!

Attitude of Gratitude said...

I loved your post on recognizing the miracles and I just had to admit openly that I check your blog to keep up with how you all are doing. I thoroughly enjoy the venting blog posts and we are with you on the bail out bananza! Who knew that I would be paying for a home thanks to my government even though I'm still renting an apartment.