Friday, October 9, 2009

Another year down...

Well, I was fortunate enough to make it one more year! At my age, you just don't know for sure! I had a very nice birthday on Sunday. 59 if you are wondering... My kids have all had to ask.

Val and Layne invited us all up to their home for a very nice dinner. Everyone made it except Jana and Dave, living in Texas and always missing out - Brandi, I guess she was traveling - and Caleb who was at Guard duty. So we had the Terry family, Bryan, Ali, Ryder, Tiffany and Bryler, Theresa and Rich, Tera, Brendon, and Tenlee. And, everyone got along wonderfully - Tanner did bug Tera a little...

I am so lucky to have such a good relationship with Val and Layne. We couldn't have asked for a better woman to enter our lives. What a difference she has made.

Theresa and Rich just got back from a week in Washington DC and had some very interesting stories about their trip.
It was just a very nice way to spend my birthday. Good food (and I didn't cook one thing) and good company!

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